Florence Oregon

March 13, 2000

It’s three days later, and my throat is still raw.  Jim did talk most of the programme on Friday, though I managed to croak out a few words about the Gershwin.  As to the concert, it went very well to an audience of about 250.  This may seem small until one notes that the population of Florence is in the region of 5000, so fully 5% of the town showed up.  If most cities fielded that kind of audience for classical concerts, the arts might be in better shape than they are.

Afterwards, many people stayed to meet us in the lobby, and speaking to them confirmed the sense we had that we were playing for people who really heard the music, and were tuned into its subtleties.  Performers can sense that an audience is “with them” in ways that almost seem telepathic, and this creates a kind of feedback loop so that by the end of the concert, the atmosphere is so highly charged it takes us a couple of hours to come down.

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