Anagnoson & Kinton - Press Quotes

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Performance Reviews

 "...a whizzing performance that displayed their finely-honed technique to much advantage...the playing of Messrs Anagnoson and Kinton is communicative and sonorously energetic." - The London Times

 " individuals, they seem to have no technical shortcomings at all; in tandem, they are more than twice as good." - The Boston Globe

 "Anagnoson and Kinton's playing is everything that duo-piano playing should be....the unanimity of those fingers would continue to astonish." - The Ottawa Citizen

 "Every note seems invested with tremendous energy.  Anagnoson and Kinton's control of the build-up and dispersal of tension is masterly." - The National Post

 "...the Brahms Sonata was played with fantastic, expressive flexibility and perceptive understanding of style...The two distinguished artists won over the select audience." - The National Herald, Athens Greece

 "Anagnoson and Kinton are superb pianists...the Poulenc is a dramatic piece that demands technical proficiency and plenty of heart, both of which were delivered in abundance." - The Vancouver Province

 "Brahms' Sonata Opus 34 with the Standchen-like Andante and the festive, march-like Scherzo (excellently played) represented a piece from the traditional repertoire....The two pianists are excellently suited to each other and do not become mechanical in their ensemble playing." - Het Binnenhof, The Hague

 "It was one of those nights when just about everything went right: the right music was played by the right musicians and the audience was in the right frame of mind to respond to them with a standing ovation." - The Toronto Star

 "Whether at two pianos or in four-hand works, the understanding and communication between the two artists was excellent." - The Gazette, Lausanne, Switzerland

Recording Reviews

"The unanimity, supple technical control and flair Anagnoson and Kinton evince here are captured in a superbly natural recording. Rating: A" [Arensky - MVCD1036] -The Calgary Herald

"These duo keyboard and orchestra performances are among the best of their kind to be found in anyone's catalogue. They abound with zesty confidence,vast dynamic finesse, a fine instrumental resilience and the sheer joy of intense musical dialogue." [Poulenc - SMCD5120] -The Kitchener-Waterloo Record

 " Canada's leading duo-piano team reminds us, the music was written originally for piano duet (four hands at one keyboard) and retains an enormous vitality when played by two musicians with a sensitivity to its Bohemian and Yugoslavian and Little Russian folk inspiration." [Dvorak -MVCD1088] -The Toronto Star

 "In the hands of Anagnoson and Kinton, the piano becomes capable of suggesting the vibrancy and expansiveness of a full orchestra." [Bartok's Miraculous Mandarin Duet - The Miraculous Mandarin - SMLP4044] -Music Magazine

"...the entire disc resonates with joyful energy, pristine passage work and the glowing dynamic intensity that characterize Anagnoson & Kinton at their live concert best." [Gershwin - ProArte367] -The Kitchener-Waterloo Record

 "..[Stravinsky's Dumbarton Oaks Concerto] likewise finds itself perfectly served by the duo's sharply defined attacks and keen sense of the composer's rhythmic subtleties." [Poulenc -SMCD5120] -Fanfare Magazine

 "Anagnoson & Kinton provide impeccably unanimous teamwork here, and are able to summon forth the necessary bold sonorities without a hint of banging or clatter.  All their performances are pervaded by clarity, sensibility and appropriate style..." [Arensky - MVCD1036] -American Music Guide

"Performances by both soloists and orchestra are virtuoso and exciting." [Poulenc - SMCD5120] -American Record Guide

"The interpretations...represent a poised balance between classical restraint and jazzy abandon - stylish, lively and well conceived." [Gershwin - ProArte367] -Music Magazine

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Home page
" outstanding two-piano recital with formidable precision and panache." -The New York Times

Biography page
"...virtuoso brilliance, balanced ensemble, musical clarity and stylistic assurance..." -The Globe and Mail

"The dazzler of the evening was the Mozart Concerto for Two Pianos K. 365. Anagnoson & Kinton played with expertise and personal flair - their interaction is seamless and brilliant to watch.  The duo received an emphatic standing ovation."  -The Victoria Times-Colonist

Discography page
"This is a singular performance of great lucidity and power, flawlessly integrated." [Arensky recording] -Fanfare Magazine

Sound Files
" was still the incomparable texture of Mozart's Kv. 448 Andante that revealed the substance, and subtlety, of a truly rare pair." -Kitchener-Waterloo Record

"The entire performance of these two musicians was superb....If you missed this show, you missed one of the best of the year!" -Rapid City Journal, SD

Tour Journals
"A spectacular performance by duo pianists Anagnoson and Kinton opened the season....a truly spell-binding performance." -The Peterborough Examiner, ON

Repertoire List
"Stravinsky's Petrushka is put across with astonishing virtuosity and musicianship." -The National Post

Related Links
"When two pianos are better than one" -The Toronto Star